Neither do I, so I'll just make up some conspiracy crap and try to scare the livin' words out of you. Marxists! Mao! Commies! Mmm mmm Obama! Hispanics! Illegals! Al Gore*! Global learning! Learning! Books! BURN!!!!
And, worst of all, your CHILDREN!1!!!
*This whole piece is filled with Teh Stoopid. Hurts your eyes, it's so stoopid. But, the part about Al Gore takes the cake.
You know, things like using MySpace. Or finding actual research online, instead of having to go to idiots like Beck for their infomayshon. Hell, my parents don't know how to use email yet. It's not that I'm smarter or wiser than them, certainly not when I was in school (in fact, if I were as wise as them, I'd probably never learn how to use email either. Or read crap like Beck. Or start this website out of sheer frustration). It's just that there're some things about our world that I know that older people don't know. Ie, Glenn Beck is an idiot and he'd like it very much if we were all as ignorant and hateful as him...It's not enough to simply indoctrinate them with the progressive agenda, they're also being told that they know more than you, their parents. We've shown you that progressives like Al Gore have pitted children against their parents. This is Gore telling thousands of teens and preteens at an inaugural youth conference in Washington last year not to listen to their parents:
FORMER VICE PRESIDENT AL GORE: There are some things about our world that you know, that older people don't know.
I'm sure those parents appreciated Al telling their impressionable kids that they know more about life than they do.