Gay Muslim bear-lovin' freakin' Bryan Freakin' Fischer - he of the "Christian" group the American Family Association - is at it again, chickenpeeps!
We now award [the Purple Heart] only for preventing casualties, not for inflicting them.
So the question is this: when are we going to start awarding the Medal of Honor once again for soldiers who kill people and break things so our families can sleep safely at night?
I would suggest our culture has become so feminized that we have become squeamish at the thought of the valor that is expressed in killing enemy soldiers through acts of bravery.
Are we reading this right, Gaybear Bryan? Is it the Christian and American thing to not save lives, but to kill our enemies as ruthlessly as possible?
The bigger question, Fischer, is when you're going to enlist? Sure, you're all types of crazy behind the computer screen. Sure, you get your jollies, kicks, and elongations from thinking about "boys storming" your "beaches" and "lobbing grenades" into your "pill boxes." But now, when is all that wet-dreaming going to become a reality?
Or are you too feminized?